Assign "select" to S4 button

Address will be /CUIA/ZYNSWITCH. Parameters will be INT(3), STRING('S') or maybe STRING('3,S'). (I am not able to test this today.)

Thanks for coming back.

For anyone else new to this, here’s a screenshot of what works in TouchOSC. At the top, CUIA is the name of the Group containing the Button called ZYNSWITCH. In the Arguments, the 3 is Conversion type INTEGER and the S is Conversion type STRING.

If successful, the log will look like this


As far as i get it, the issue is still there. keyboard-ui-bindings on zynswitch X,X are beeing sent twice which makes it pretty much unusable. am i getting something wrong is the fix not merged to the stable release?

I am not experiencing any issue with keybinding. I use it al lthe time. For example I have binding:

Trigger Event

My key L acts like the select encoder with short, bold and long press all working as expected.

If there is an issue, please raise a ticket using the “Report Issue” button in webconf so that we can gather sufficient detail.

I tested with 2 or 3 keyboards all demonstrated same behavior with double press. Maybe there are different ways keyboards send messages? I spent 2 long evenings trying to make it work.