Changing Audio Buffer Size In Webconf - V4.1

Hello Zynthians,

Finished my V4.1 build a couple of days ago. All went well.
Worked on first boot. Awesome! Very happy.

I used the and etcher running on Ubuntu-Studio 20.04LTS.
I was pleasantly suprised to see that the image was auto-expanded to the 32G microSD card after first boot.

I want to have jackd use a buffer size of 128. Testing.

I tried to change the buffer size for the hardware audio using Webconf but I am unable to do so.
In Webconf it shows as HiFiberry DAC+ADC Pro (same thing as Dac Adc Stage shipped with V4.1?)

The Advanced View info for the HiFiberry is showing but I cannot edit the Jackd Options to change buffer size.

I then used ssh from terminal to look at /etc/systemd/system/jack2.service (using nano) and edited the line

ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/jackd -P 70 -t 2000 -s -d alsa -d hw:sndrpihifiberry -r 44100 -p 256 -n 2 -X raw

changed -p 256 to -p 128 then saved.

Then, as suggested on this forum, from the terminal

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl restart jack2
systemctl restart mod-ttytmidi
systemctl restart mod-ui

Then from the Admin Menu, Reboot.

Then opened up the Webconf tool to look at the Audio settings. Nothing had changed, it still shows “-p 256”.
I opened up jack2.service again with nano which did save correctly, and showed -p 128.
For now to be safe I changed the value back to -p 256 .
This suggests to me that the file is not used to show the jackd options in Webconf.
If it did would it not show the correct buffer size from Webconf.

Should I be able to change the buffer size from Webconf?

In my past experiences with Linux I have used jackctl, or ubuntu-studio controls to change jackd options.
I am ok with editing files from terminal too but jack2.service is not working for me.

Can anyone suggest what I might be doing wrong or is the wrong file to edit?
Is the image “” the right image for V4.1 ?(just checking in case I missed something)


From webconf, select custom kit and configure the audio options. Don’t edit the system files by Hand. They will be overwritten .


Thanks for the tip. :slightly_smiling_face:
After selecting custom kit, and a reboot the Jackd Options became available so I could edit.
All is well.