DIY: upgrading to V5 - or the question of new buttons

There is an issue with this which I have reported as issue #1094. The quantity of custom switches set by webconf is not necessarily used by zynthian runtime, instead depending on what is reported by the hardware interface library. This manifests if you try to add more than 4 switches in Dummies andbind them to USB/VNC keys.

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It should be fixed now. Please, test and confirm!



No - it is worse! Now none of the switches work, nor do any of the touch interface, e.g. touching topbar triggers error. There are now zero switches hardcoded into zyncoder!


Dramatic :cold_face:

hmm, live is long

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Whooa! The Tk toolkit is much higher level than I thought. OK, sorry for the confused questions. Now I probably have some better idea…

Yes I can confirm. It does not work at all.

:man_facepalming: I should have read better before the update

Sorry guys!! I will fix ASAP!!


OK! It’s fixed again, and now it should work as expected, allowing to configure custom “dummy” switches.
Please update and test.



Setting 20 dummy switches causes only 12 shown in wbconf, no more.

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Awesome now :slight_smile:

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The first 4 switches are hard-coded and they are not customizable.
You should see 16 in webconf, but there was an issue that i just fixed. Please, update and test again.


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He he! I saw the 12 limit yesterday but wasn’t going to touch anything until @jofemodo fixed things. :grinning:

The switches work again on my v2.

Mr Jofe sir, would you like him flung from the Battlements…?

We promise to do it in an environmentally friendly way . . .

You do need to add Switch Pins configuration for each switch you want to emulate otherwise there will be an error logged. (We should fix that.) So, if you have fewer physical switches than you want to bind keys, you must add -1 elements. Doing so then allows those switches to be configured (short, bold, long actions) and then, binding keys will work.

This may seem odd. Why not allow binding key’s short, bold & long presses directly? We could do but it is duplication of configuration which can be more easily done this way. You can bind keys to any CUIA action directly or you can bind them to mimic switches or encoders.

Thanks to @jofemodo for fixing and implementing this. It is a real enhancement for users with custom kits.

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I have first 4 coming from my encoders GPIO pins and than 20 dummies following so I could unlock the 20 zynswitches. Those I have binded to my 4*5 keyboard. Works great except sometimes Zynth repeats the keys instead of Bold/Long presses.

Other than that, I am really impressed about what you have came up with.
This project is awesome and once you have all the switches and encoders it does really make sense.
I saw this project first at Floyd Steinberg`s YT channel. I had Akai MPK 88 master keyboard for years and used it seldom, I love the keys, but was really annoyed to start the GarageBand everytime I wanted to play something simple.

I was looking about some decent-ish sound module just for the piano that would not be GeneralMIDI or would not be expensive, no luck there. I briefly thought about used iPad with some apps on it, but I was always knobs`n faders kind a guy. Pure synth would not be enough because I do really like good piano sound and I did not want to buy Stage piano or digital piano , Dont get me wrong I would kill for NordStage, but there is one problem with that, money.

And I always loved OP-1 from TE. Since they got their field out, thare are quite lot of them for sale, but still the price is quite high and even though it is a beautiful piece of hardware it lacks for decent keys.

Your project is everything above and more. I`ve seen some other PI based Synth/sound module/plaform, but not anywhere near as perfected as yours is. Dont get me wrong it has some issues any now and then, but being software engineer myself I totally get it, and I admire you for having the SW for free for anybody and providing decent manuals for people that did not buy it.
I really love your V5 kit, but I had limited budget. But, if I knew what I know now I would buy it instead of building it. For sure.

I might do it once you have version that would run on PI5 with nvme.
Thumbs up guys and keep up the good work.

P.S.I am newsletter subscriber for Riban Modular, of coarse.


This should not happen. Please report the issue with example of a key that repeats and the key binding.