Do not switch from stable to testing

Please avoid switching between Stable and Testing branches whilst we resolve an issue that may break Stable. If you are using Stable then please continue to do so. This issue is being actively investigated and we hope to resolve soon.


Also, if you switched to testing, don’t try to switch back to stable. Latest changes on testing are not reversible as testing branch is now updating all the system packages, including kernel and drivers that would break things on stable. We are placing the pieces for the next stable release :wink:

If you want to help with the testing, you should have 2 separated SDs, one with the stable branch and another one for testing.

Best Regards,

Hi Jofemodo,

On July 29th I switched to the testing branch. Will I be able to switch to the stable branch when it’s ready ?

You would be allowed to switch back to stable from testing when the next stable release is out, about September 11th.

Until then, i would suggest to burn a new SD with the current stable.


Ok. Thanks