Encoder Settings killing Zynthian software?

@OnklFlo , you can try, it will probably make the webconf start again, but then it will assume you have that type of encoder and I’m not sure how well it will behave if you don’t

I’m running an encoderless setup wich was fine until I’ve updated software. I was then facing same problems.
The workaroud I’ve found:


This worked for me, too. Thanks!
So the bug must be in the “DUMMIES” preset.
I wonder, whether or not to try add other GPIO-Pinnumbers into the Custom Layout and sill try to connect my ‘naked’ encoders … :thinking:

I would say: let’s go for it, good luck and keep us informed :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

:sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: You are true, @matt!
But the problem should be solved now. Thanks for the fine analysis :ok_hand:

Please, update and test.


yeah, my encoderless setup is now working with the “dummies” settings, under master branch and under feature/stepseq branch too (tested with RpiHeadphones and usb soundcard).

Sooo, it was the zyncoder lib that was faulty

thank you @jofemodo