Fast switching from song to song

Zynthian does not currently differentiate between MIDI inputs. We have discussed implementing this but it is a challenge that may need to wait a little while longer. If you can set your keyboard to reach use different MIDI channels then you can use various methods working Zynthian to play different synths.

Sorry @riban , i must jokely disagree on this, jejeje! :wink:
Support for per-device MIDI-input is currently deployed at low-level. Check the jackā€™s MIDI connection tree on testing branch and you will see what i mean.

We simply are waiting for the ā€œchainificationā€ to popup this to the User Interface level, and this will be very soon. Yessss ā€¦ time is coming for having per-device/per-chain MIDI-input filtering.



I totally understand. Iā€™m very happy with my zynthian and I can wait for this :grinning:

That sounds great :grinning:

Hi everybody,
fast switching from Song to Song means for me to do one step to call all parameters that must be sent by one click.
Snapshots and ZS3 are very good. What I need is to call playbacks like a snapshot using msb and lsb and a PCh for the song number.

My background: Iā€™m using a small keyboard and a selfmade controller. That sends CC and PC commands for the snapshot , than a command ā€œModal Audio Recorderā€, than I have to find the right playback and than i have to start it.

Perhaps there is a solution or it canbe buildt.

Greetings from DĆ¼sseldorf

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