The big reason I think it would be a good addition (other than the huge existing library of free JSFX plugins) is that it is so well suited to coding quickly, directly on the zynthian. Even as a non-coder I tinker with it in Reaper sometimes (mostly tweaking existing stuff) and the code is terse enough that I rarely need to expand Reaper’s built-in editor beyond its default size, which is pretty comparable to the 5" standard Zynthian display.
It’s not going to replace something like Supercollider (a “real” programming language, of course) in terms of depth, but it’s really fast to work with and can absolutely produce results that compare well with commercial plugins.
Seems like a prefect sort of “Swiss army knife” addition to the Zynthian.
Incidentally, a lot of the (amazing sounding) Airwindows plugins have been ported to JSFX already, which could be an alternative to the LV2 consolidated plugin discussed here, if the control naming issue isn’t solvable.
But how it would work in practice is, of course, another matter. Hopefully you or someone else has time to take this further, if I had the experience to do it myself I would.