Hdmi to 1080i [solved]

Hi Jofemodo !

Has it changed since the last update ? (for showing the cursor, I’ve done the modification with the comment)
It’s ok for the output on my hdmi screen, I see the selection on the screen when i move the mouse, but no pointer showing :flushed:

Thanks !

Hi @mrlsk!

Regarding the cursor, there is no related changes in the last update, althought i recommend you to upgrade because of the new features and the incomming configuration tool.

If you want to see the cursor, you should be using the “DUMMIES” layout, that is specially suited for “controllers-less” configurations, as i suposse is your case.

If not, you could disable these lines in the zynthian_gui.py:

# Disable cursor for real Zynthian Boxes
if wiring_layout!="EMULATOR" and wiring_layout!="DUMMIES":

like this:

# Disable cursor for real Zynthian Boxes
#if wiring_layout!="EMULATOR" and wiring_layout!="DUMMIES":
#	top.config(cursor="none")

But remember that this kind of changes will be overwritten when you update the software.


Current way to get cursor in Non standard zynthian is edit file
and comment out the bit of code that turns off the cursor:

# Disable cursor for real Zynthian Boxes
# if wiring_layout!="EMULATOR" and wiring_layout!="DUMMIES":
#	top.config(cursor="none")

I’m using the HDMI Generic display setting in the webconf.

Perhaps the HDMI default should leave the cursor on?

software version:-
root@zynthian-amp:/zynthian/zynthian-ui# git log
commit 1645ceb6c67de7cd19ccdc0629230955da410b2b
Author: jofemodo fernando@zynthian.org
Date: Fri Sep 8 20:30:54 2017 +0200


OK! Perhaps could add an option in the webconf tool for enabling/disabling the cursor.
You should create an “issue” in the zynthian-webconf repository (github). @mheidt, what do you think? :wink:


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I will do it right now…

Issue added :slight_smile:

It’s done! Update software …
Thanks @mheidt!! :wink:


here you go thanks for the help

config.txt (2.62 KB)

zynthian_gui_config.py (1.64 KB)

zynthian_gui.py (65.1 KB)