Hi @Lanfranco
Do you have a link to that 7" display?
Hi @Lanfranco
Do you have a link to that 7" display?
What precisely are you running there?
I’m trying to get a thinking machine that can play thousands of VSTs but isn’t big… basically a Zynthian that plays VSTs…
IS it running windows if so which version, and is the hardware purely Pi?
Sure! Windows 10 or Windows 11. You who know English… Search the net WOR (windows on raspberry).
Hi there Lanfranco!
Should you ever decide (one day) to exploit in full the Raspi computational resources on a VST Raspberry OS setup, capable of running Windows 32 bit plugins, this video tutorial by @mr_floydst is probably hands down the way to (try to) go:
Yes, it certainly needs to be updated, it’s not straightforward to implement, it requires a certain degree of IT proficiency to solve potential issues, and it would imply you to switch to a new DAW to use as a Linux VST host.
But, it would entail much less overhead than using Windows on Raspberry, which in a sense is a complicated mingling of two separate worlds. Otherwise, why not going Windows full-tilt with an N500/N5000-class mini-PC, in order to easily use Kontakt and all of your usual stuff?
This being said, If you find a Pi5 performance with Windows for ARM acceptable for your goals, then definitely enjoy it!
All the best
My “DREAM” was to put a raspberry inside my MiniMoog controller, with a small display with an OS that would boot to Arturia Mini V3. Stop! I didn’t want a thousand sound banks, so not even a DAW. This was an experiment. The MiniMoog works perfectly and so does Kontakt. It’s starting to have problems with sounds like Pigments which have very elaborate sounds. I tried to write to Floyd on his YouTube video but got no response. With Windows even the Symphonic Orchestra sounds work fine.
In these two months I have to move house (for the third time in 8 years). As soon as I have rebuilt the new music room, I will record something… for now I’m making do like this:
Seems we do have a very similar setup. Looks like Yamaha YDP, and I’m also all in with Focusrite Scarlett.
This is my “winter studio” setup… But when I record I have a home recording studio of which I only have old photos and which has now changed for the better…