Is "cannot change locale" a known issue/weirdness?

Every time I ssh in, I’m greeted with warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (en_US.UTF-8). This is also happening when I run any build scripts, as various locale-sensitive stuff happens in the build. These are my current locale envvars:

root@zynthian:~# export | grep -iE 'lang|lc'
declare -x LANG="en_GB.UTF-8"
declare -x LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8"
declare -x LC_CTYPE="en_US.UTF-8"

Is this something that I can fix/silence, and is it a problem?

I think you are the very first to try this on a zynthian SD image. I must say that i never think about this until now …

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Webconf occasionally asks me if I want to translate the page…

You can try the following:

apt install --yes locales

If locales are installed you can try to enable yours:

dpkg-reconfigure locales

Or: Let ssh know not to use your locale settings:

sed -i "s/^AcceptEnv LANG LC_\*/#AcceptEnv LANG LC_\*/" /etc/ssh/sshd_config && systemctl restart ssh

I would use the last one… why do you need locales on a Zynthian? We need:


It makes the drones easier to target. . . .


I mean, I don’t need locales, I just was wondering if this is an issue with my install or if everyone gets it. When you ssh into your zynthian, do you see the locale error?

No you are right, I get the same warnings. It is a common raspberry pi issue and can be fixed in the local bash profile (if I remember correctly) or by configuring the locale as above. For some reason I got quite used to it, either way it is nothing to worry about.

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Sweet, thanks all! Looks like the underlying issue is raspbian’s default en_GB being the only one generated by the default configuration of locales on the image, but the default locale envvars on our SD-image being en_US. I reconfigured locales adding en_US to the generated locales and it fixed it!

@jofemodo is this something we care enough about I should put in a ticket for the RC3 image?

Zynthian is a Synthesizer and we don’t need locales at all.



Well, steady on. Localisation could help with the menus and admin functions. ‘Subsnapshot’ surely deserves a translation to be inflicted on the Catalonians. Maybe we’ll get submissions for Chinese, Korean and uɐᴉlɐɹʇsn∀?


I don’t have plans to translate any of the zynthian’s interfaces. I don’t know a single person interested on synthesizers that doesn’t understand english to the level of understanding a User Interface.

I would prefer to focus on real features … MORE BASS, PLEASE :wink:
