It's time to build it

.Hello Jose…
Here is what I have… Bought more than 2 years ago, and abandonned…

I can’t find the building page… I guess it’s a V1, but with an Ozzy Osbourne display…
It doesn’t have an all in one module…
The encoders are single on their board…

Ok… First, I have the feeling that the cable is not the good one : the middle connector seems to be the other way round (or upside down)… Am I wrong ?
Also, I believe there is only the possibility to use MIDI in, and that’s all… Wrong again ?
What advice would you give me ?
Have a nice evening…


Woaooo! An old v1 kit … it’s a little bit more than 2 years that you bought this, my friend :wink:

You should take a look to the v1 tutorial, of course:

And enjoy … for sure you will learn a lot more than mounting a new v3 kit !! :nerd_face:

Good Luck!

BTW, i would like to open this thread to the community … is it OK for you?

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Ah ah… pointing the finger to the still-alive dinosaur…
A zynthianosaurus egg has been found and is going to hatch…
Eh eh…
(Holding my breath) yes, you can exhibit me to the whole world in a freaks show… I’m ready !!

But what I wonder is, should I buy an all-in-one module ?

If you buy an AllInOne module, you would need to buy a new ribbon cable, and encoders, unless you want to connect the v1 encoders to the v2 JST-connectors using the v1 dupont wires, what is completely feasible.


This is part of what makes Zynthian such a fantastic system. Ancient hardware doesn’t have to go obsolete.
Looking forward to seeing this relic come alive!
Thanks for sharing @opus.quatre !

I’ll think about it… If I do, maybe the kit will be easier for me to figure out how to build it… because the new ribbon is different…
and the old one, I never succeeded placing the things correctly the way I want…
But I would probably want to keep and use the single encoders…

v2 & v3 encoders are, equally, single ones :wink:

One of the official zynthian kit goals is being easy to mount and cheap to repair …


Skulks around, waiting for a :face_with_monocle:


I :heart: @wyleu

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Hello… Will I have Midi in-out-thru with my 2in1 module ? Or is it possible only if I buy the all-in-1 module ?

And @jofemodo what will be the price for the all in one plus ribbon cable plus shipping to france ?

You need the AllInOne. The old 2in1 has only MIDI-IN.


Woaw !! I never saw the suitcase !! What a nice one !!
Ok thank you…

And any possibility to add Midi out and thru, without buying the all in one and ribbon ?

Yes, you can build your own circuit … it’s not really difficult :wink:

OK… Thanx… I will take time to think about it all …

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@jofemodo Hello, I don’t know my password for the zynthian shop… I tried the password I use for the forum, but it doesn’t work… Is it not the same ?

and btw, do i already have an account ? When I bought my zynthian kit, milleniums ago, I don’t think I used the shop…
But anyway, I can’t find no “Sign Up”, no “Lost Password”…

Have a great day…

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Hi @opus.quatre!

Currently, the zynthian shop has not user login, register or password. The “Sign In” is for admin only and it should be removed … in fact i’ve already removed it :wink:


Strange… yesterday, when I was clicking “checkout”, I was not able to continue… I was blocked on a “Sign in” page… and not today…
Ok Thanx for your reply… have a nice day…

What is good with Spanish people, is that they know the dimensions of every single mail box in the world, and they calculate their parcel (and subsequently, the size of the Zynthian suitcase they send you) to fit e-xac-t-ly inside…

So… My apologies to those who wished they would see me building a prehistoric V1, but I finally ordered what it needs to make it only antique…

Have a nice evening you all…