Nobody expects the Spanish parcel measurements!
Shouts a muttered message down the castle stairs which is met by the sound of shouts, activity and the distinct sound of sharpening of give away show “Persuader” freebies . . .
Hello everyone and @jofemodo…
I think I missed one episode, and I don’t know what sw1 is for, on the all-in-one module…
There is nothing about it on the Build page, and it’s even absent on the photographed PCB… So I guess I will not care, but I ask anyway, just in case it would be a magical connection adding talent to my playing, or bringing peace to Earth…
It’s optional, peace on earth functionality did have a pull request but it conflicted badly with the midi router.
Thanx a lot… peace on Earth is an attractive option, but MIDI routing is one too… I understand that it’s not easy to chose one upon them both…