MIDI Learn Exit?

I have on a few occasions accidentally entered MIDI learn mode. At that point it seems I’m locked into selecting a controller. That’s inconvenient especially if there is no controller hooked up. There doesn’t seem to be a way to exit MIDI Learn mode. Is there?

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Simply push back :wink:

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Duh… I can’t believe I didn’t try that. :roll_eyes:


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@Dithered42 and @jofemodo,

this happened to me so many times…fooled aroud where the solution is always at hand.

Greetings and God bless, Marius

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Yep! Far too easy to get in learn mode when using touch screen. We should consider how we improve the touch interface. It has been a back-burner issue for some time because it needs some clever thinking, maybe a quite different approach. Now that I have a touchscreen attached I may start to consider this.

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Did somebody investigate already, if buster allows more gestures?