Midi learning issue in headless/vnc mode [SOLVED, I'm just very silly]

Hey all, I have an issue with midi learning that doesn’t seem to be addressed on here as of yet.

I’m running headless on an RPi4, and I’m trying to map the standard four controllers to four knobs on my keyboard. The directions say to press Learn then move a controller on the Zynth then the ??s will turn green on that control, but that does not work with a mouse, either direct or via VNC.

Interestingly, if I press Learn and then click on a different section in the middle, when it goes to that screen it will have one of the four controls with green arrows, but it’s always the same one, I can’t figure out how to point it at a specific control.

Any help would be appreciated, even without this feature working it’s a brilliant device.

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Hi @jtode! It is lovely to meet you here in our friendly (and hopefully helpful) community.

I have recorded an issue as you describe that changing the value of a control other than using a knob does not trigger the MIDI learn mode but there is another way. If you click on a control and drag horizontally to the right it should go straight into learn mode. Doing similar but dragging to the left should clear that control’s MIDI CC assignment. This is described in the user guide on the wiki.

Good luck and have fun!


Ahh, I hadn’t found that part of the docs, but I did see some folks talking about that function in another post in here. I did try it last night and it seemed not to work, but I’m gonna go read that link you sent very carefully now. :>

Edit: Well I didn’t learn anything new from the link, but for whatever reason it works fine this morning. Thanks for the extra push!