Going a bit crazy over this… Apart from the dropping notes in “busy” compositions, I also seem to get a lot of hanging notes even in simple compositions
Currently have it with only 2 tracks playing.
one plays 3 note chords with Dexed, other plays single notes on Noize Mak3r
The moment I play these together, I almost immediately get hanging notes…
I’m beginning to think there’s perhaps a hardware problem, like optocouplers failing on V5 batch? I don’t know. I just find it weird that I’m having so much problems and not everyone is having them.
CH#04 NOTE_ON 77, Vel: 83
CH#04 NOTE_ON 82, Vel: 112
CH#04 NOTE_ON 84, Vel: 111
CH#06 NOTE_ON 61, Vel: 102
CH#04 NOTE_OFF 77, Vel: 83
CH#04 NOTE_OFF 82, Vel: 112
CH#04 NOTE_OFF 84, Vel: 111
CH#04 NOTE_ON 77, Vel: 83
CH#04 NOTE_ON 82, Vel: 112
CH#04 NOTE_ON 84, Vel: 111
CH#04 NOTE_ON 82, Vel: 112
CH#04 NOTE_OFF 84, Vel: 111
CH#06 NOTE_OFF 61, Vel: 0
CH#06 NOTE_ON 64, Vel: 102
CH#04 NOTE_ON 77, Vel: 83
CH#04 NOTE_ON 82, Vel: 112
CH#04 NOTE_ON 84, Vel: 111
CH#04 NOTE_OFF 77, Vel: 83
CH#04 NOTE_OFF 82, Vel: 112
CH#04 NOTE_OFF 84, Vel: 111
CH#06 NOTE_OFF 64, Vel: 0
CH#06 NOTE_ON 60, Vel: 102
CH#04 NOTE_ON 77, Vel: 83
CH#04 NOTE_ON 82, Vel: 112
CH#04 NOTE_ON 84, Vel: 111
CH#04 NOTE_OFF 77, Vel: 83
CH#04 NOTE_OFF 82, Vel: 112
CH#04 NOTE_OFF 84, Vel: 111
CH#06 NOTE_OFF 60, Vel: 0
CH#04 NOTE_ON 77, Vel: 84
CH#04 NOTE_ON 82, Vel: 111
CH#04 NOTE_ON 84, Vel: 97
CH#06 NOTE_ON 61, Vel: 102
CH#04 NOTE_OFF 77, Vel: 84
CH#04 NOTE_OFF 82, Vel: 111
CH#04 NOTE_OFF 84, Vel: 97
CH#06 NOTE_OFF 61, Vel: 0
I count 20x NOTE_ON in this example, and 17x NOTE_OFF. So there are NOTE_OFFs missing.
I have a ton of other MIDI gear and nowhere do I see any similar issues, so the problem must be either hard or software on the Zynthian.
Was planning on playing live in 2 weeks with the Zynthian as main source of synth sounds. I’m pretty much stressing out about this now
Here’s a video displaying the issue with hanging notes:
I’m now going to find my midi interface so I can make some easy to reproduce scenarios for the issue queue…
Being a software engineer in a former life, I guess I will have to dive into the code behind all this if I want to achieve a fix before my gig. Is there some sort of diagram somewhere that gives an overview of how all the components interact with each other? I did check the documentation but I couldn’t find anything like that, so it’s hard to just dive in without a general overview.