Perhaps this helps: config.gz from the current stable Linux release from a MOD-Duo.
config.gz (11.8 KB)
Perhaps this helps: config.gz from the current stable Linux release from a MOD-Duo.
config.gz (11.8 KB)
Wha, 3.4.104. we are on 3.9 and expecting soon 3.14.
They are both really really different, no idea how to compare
config (142.4 KB)
MOD is very conservatuve about the stability of their system, because they are making money with it. And I can say: The stability of the system ist very good. But it is based on a two core ARM variant… Not very powerful against a RPi3.
For my ears: audio quality is ok. I can try to measure when I can find some time. They are running jackd with 128 bytes buffer by default. You can change this.
AFAIK: no. They are using sunxi.
OK! It’s public now
Ah, ok!
No problem - just made this as PM to not to bore the others
Regards, Holger