Need help for my new Zynthian v4.4 [SOLVED!]

YOU NAILED IT!!! :star_struck:

It is high chance that Pin 37 got broken in my Pi 4B!

I changed the SD image into my Pi3, it turns out the system working just fine to start up.

Although the Zynthian kit v4.4’s case doesn’t fit its Pi3’s HDMI port, I may buy a new Pi 4B for this project…

A big thanks to @wyleu, and thanks for @jofemodo your kind offer to re-send a new module to me.

OK, I’m going to dig into the Zynthian kit and play around with my Pi3 for now…


Ups! It really looks like a broken pin 37. I’m sorry @youyoubilly!
But i’m happy of seen you found the problem and the solution.
Don’t forget to send some noize when your zynthian is finished and working!! :face_with_monocle:

Best regards!


And well done for perceiving, we look forward to the :face_with_monocle: