New stable version is almost here: Staging-2210

I enter with this address (
I am using Windows 10 Professional version 22H2

The Wiring window opens completely only with the firmware installed clean. Once MCP23017 INT-A Pin has been selected, all the configuration part disappears apart from the three Pin selection windows.
I have configured the new Wiring like this:

The old working configuration was this:

What are the versions of zynthian modules? These are shown in the dashboard I requested earlier.

Excuse me…

my problem is that from Webconf the reboot command seems to be unsuccessful … I tried to brutally shut down the Zynthian at every modification on Webconf and now everything works.

I was working on something at the weekend that highlighted this occasional issue. It may be fixed in a future update but is unlikely to make it to 2210 release.

I believe from your last post that there is not an issue anymore.

I’ve also experienced some refusing-to-reboot behavior. Shutting down and powering up again works, far as I can tell.

All in perfect working order Riban.
Thanks for your commitment.

Yesterday the early Christmas present for my wonderful Zynthian arrived… A nice 3.5 display