Hi to all,
Is there a method to map / bind zynthian oram navigation buttons, directly from a midi keyboard ? Without using pc keyboard.
I use touch display, but it is very hard (too much time) to navigate from a preset instrument to another preset instrument…
maybe also 4 directional (4 arrows) buttons can be added on top rigth of title bar, like a virtual mini keyboard, for the touch display… it’s a suggestion, for the future…
With your last comment and some ‘fumbling around’… SUCCESS!!
Thank you sooooo much for making these screen buttons possible.
Works great. I anly have to find out which definition item belongs to which software button on the screen. But he… IT WORKS!!
I really hope you have a good holiday!
Would you possibly envisage a way to set the pan position of the chains on a touchscreen?
I am testing a mixed interface, based on tactile screen + small keypad, with only four direction keys and a return/enter button. So far so good and it works quite conveniently, but I seem not to be able to engage the left/right pan strip, between the chain number below and the graphic column of the volume on top.
I am working on rationalising touch interface. We plan to leave the touch functions such as interaction with mixer, pattern editor, etc. because these work well to complement V4 & V5 workflows but remove the touch navigation (e.g. topstrap press) and enable it only if configured in webconf. (Currently that configuration is called “Enable onscreen buttons” but may be labelled differently in the future, e.g. “Enable touch navigation”.) This would mean that anyone who depends on touchscreen for navigation, i.e. does not have V4 style encoders or V5 style buttons will have to enable this feature but can expect full integration with touch-only UI.
Access to pan/balance is awkward (impossible?) with touch only. Originally I had a pop-up screen that exposed all the controls with finger friendly sized widgets but it was deemed ugly and removed. We have recently been discussin the idea of presenting each mixer chain on a control view, with parameters assigned to encoders which would allow control and MIDI mapping from any UI in a manner consistent with other parameters. That may not be implemented before Oram is released but something like that will follow soon as a hot-fix.
For now, you can MIDI map the pan/balance if you have a keyboard / VNC. In mixer view:
Bold press on desired chain’s legend at bottom of strip to show Chain Options menu
Select MIDI Learn option to show MIDI-learn menu
Select “Enter MIDI-learn” from the MIDI-learn menu
Press ctrl + period key on keyboard (by default mapped to encoder clockwise 3)
I am using the touchscreen buttons as created by Pavel (Wanthalf)…
Originally I had the ‘touch’ encoder in V5 order, so 4 vertical. But now, due to an enourmous dark adventure, it is shown in the V4 way.
How do I get it back to the V5 way? So shown vertically…?
More in detail @riban: do you maybe mean pressing ctrl + the point/period key, in order to enter learning mode, then subsequently sending a CC message from a keyboard or midi controller with encoders?
I wonder if it would also fit the purpose a potentiometer on a nearby rack synth connected through Midi…
I tried with your procedure for mapping the L/R panning to an external Midi controller.
It works in principle, except unfortunately it seems to require a different potentiometer for each chain, transmitting on its specific Midi Channel.
Moreover, the Midi learning has to be done for every single chain, and obviously re-made for every snapshot. Occasionally, the CC binding faults altogether, and every mapped encoder happens to control the panning of all mapped chains at once.
EDIT: [Occasionally and at random, the CC binding of a chain also affects the panning position of another chain, either proximal or distant].
I wonder if:
is there a Zynthian global Midi channel to which to send the pan CC from just one single pot/encoder
EDIT: [as long as the source from the employed Midi control surface and the destination as Zynthian are correctly set in the DAW program, it is irrelevant on which Midi channel the CC panning is transmitted].
is there a way in webconf/terminal to perpetually bind the third Zynthian kit’s encoder behaviour (ctrl + .) to a given external Midi device ID, a Midi message source (a specific potentiometer) and an incoming CC number. Don’t know if this would entail some kind of sysex monitoring/labouring.
BTW, and sorry for the potentially redundant question, where do I find/edit the list of qwerty keyboard shortcuts corresponding to user actions on the official kit’s panel?
We dont’t (currently) have a way to bind CC to mixer based on selected chain. There is this feature for processors within a chain so we probably should offer the same feature in the mixer. We need to revisit MIDI mapping in the mixer because it is currently suboptimal. As previously descirbed, we may do this with a control view screen.
The CC command for mixer controls do not need to be on the chain’s own MIDI channel. It will be whatever channel you learn.
Indeed, this is slow and painful. We want to improve this. There are some hardware controllers that already have a driver written that maps CC to the mixer.
I think there is already a feature request around mixer settings and snapshots / global. There are different requirements for different workflows but we want to improve this, maybe with a global config and the ability to override with snapshot / ZS3.
Please raise a bug report using webconf “Report Issue” button.
No! I guess you mean a single CC that controls the currently selected chain.
This sounds quite like using the Master Channel although that tends to use note-on commands rather than CC.
Webconf: INTERFACE->UI Key Binding. This shows all the current bindings and allows adding, removing and changing mapping. Changes are applied as soon as the save button is pressed. You can also learn the key from the web browser, i.e. press a key and modifier to select which will be mapped then set the parameters to map to.
Yes @riban, exactly so! Sincere thanks for your detailed feedback: it would be indeed ideal if one could control the panning of every chain with just one potentiometer, based on the currently selected mixer channel (as the official kit does very conveniently with the encoder N.3).
For the time being, I have been able to drive (most of) the chains’ panning through 12 encoders of my lovely Modal Cobalt 8 (a sonically remarkable and visually sleek British digital synth, with a fairly reasonable price tag). It is strange that, depending on inherent Midi CC implementation of each rotary controller, Zynthian reacts to some but ignores others.
I will certainly have a look at the key bindings in webconf
I invested in a touchscreen soon after getting into Zynthian. It’s great but I find having a small footprint USB qwerty keyboard helps a lot. For instance, there’s a key binding for getting back to the main menu. There are also many other useful keybindings for navigating zynthian. I also find a usb mouse is handy for pattern editing.
I certainly agree, and have used my Pi5 Oram with a similar arrangement for a while.
Still, I would prefer a headless Zynthian to be more self-contained, and to afford some of the smart UI conveniences of the official kit (of which I own two generations).
I have ordered what seems a promising small USB programmable keypad, with four hefty rotary encoders. Once it has arrived, I will try to embed it in my ongoing Zynthian custom build, based on an ample touchscreen, both visually and gesturally comfortable.
Let’s see if I succeed in binding the encoders and some buttons to the standard functions of the official UI. On another keypad, the arrow keys work already without a glitch for navigation, out of the box.
There has been a lot of work in the past couple of days, taming the touch-only UI in Oram. It is pretty much release-ready. I will document it soon, maybe during my holiday next week but that depends on the alure of the sun and sea! Update and try it. It is much better and you should be able to do everything in zynthian purely with touchscreen if you enable touch navigation in webconf: INTERFACE->UI Options.
That is wonderful news @riban! Many thanks for this. I am going straight to update Oram, and can’t wait to see the new touchscreen UI implementation!
Will let you know how it works
Have a nice holyday
EDIT: [The new usage of the uppermost left arrow virtual button is very clever, and the double touch on the upper mixer bar as well (for chain options/main). Interesting the parameters visibility toggle key, and really nice to be able to evoke the sequencer with a long press. I am still struggling with engaging the panning of the chains, that does not react to direct touch (unless I am missing something…). Anyway, a very nice step forward with the UI touchscreen integration! ]