Norns on Zynthian Hardware

Yes, it’s totally possible to run it on a bare pi, but settings for audio interface need to be modified

Actually I’d say norns could be “dual booted” with zynthian, but, as @riban and @Baggypants said, it’s probably better treated as a whole another thing apart from how zynthian works.

in fact, having all 4 encoders allows the use of GitHub - TheTechnobear/Orac: Orac : virtual modular synth, which is a basic modular wrapper for puredata patches that are imported from organelle

So if we set up something like this you would have zynthian, modui, puredata, norns, and organelle patches (with orac, to chain and arrange them) all in one box, albeit not all at the same time. It sounds pretty sweet if you asked me.

hello hello!

I’m new here, but I’m the guy who developed the Fates hardware and figured out a bunch of stuff about running norns on a regular Raspberry Pi 4.

I’ve got a new project that’s a general purpose pi audio board which should be able to run lots of various open source software. I just got Zynthian working on it tonight. :grin:

I think you’d probably be able to do a custom build of norns for the standard zynthian hardware, but it might be a bit of a stretch to integrate that into a single disk image with everything else and then be able to change systems on the fly.

Currently I’m taking the approach of just having a separate zynthian SD card and then another one for other software (pd, SC, etc.)


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Hey there! Glad to see you around in these parts!

I’m currently working on a very very similar board to yours, kudos for the awesome work!

BTW the OMX27 is a very very nice piece of kit, I’m glad I bit the bullet with it!


Relatedly: I just finished watching LoopOp’s latest tutorial on Norns and it looks so incredibly fun! If this could somehow be a layer in Zynthian that would be insane!

Just FIY