has these issues:
1 - webconf cannot be loaded using zynthian.local and zynthian.lan but can be loaded by IP
2- after loading a snapshot made of Fluidsynth jRhodes4 + autopan if I add in series Giant flange, ERROR CUIA zynswitch: (3, ‘5’) is shown
furthermore I noticed a general instability because trying prepare snapshots adding and changing effects I had to reboot the system
I can’t find an engine called jRhodes3. I assume you means TAP AutoPanner.
Anyway - to simplify the issue, it fails when loading Giant flange plugin, even to an empty audio chain. I suggest you raise a ticket. [Edit] This is fixed in latest commit (although I can’t get Giant flange to sound useful).
Regarding network access. Have you changed your other network connection, e.g. connected to a different network, changed router, etc? You don’t say whether this is wired or wireless. Nor do you show the Network part of the dashboard.
@riban JRhodes 3 under Fluidsynt @Jofemodo it is a legacy snapshot
I updated and with this situation:
zyncoder: oram (62626a8)
zynthian-ui: oram (9600ef4)
zynthian-sys: oram (5affa51)
zynthian-data: oram (e222e11)
zynthian-webconf: oram (0327ac4)
this problem is solved:
2- after loading a snapshot made of Fluidsynth with jRhodes4 + autopan if I add in series Giant flange , ERROR CUIA zynswitch: (3, ‘5’) is shown