Problem during play midi, conflict with usb touchscreen [solved]

Another problem (crazy issue) on Zynthian Oram last version:
I have pi4 with a keyboard Nektar Impact LX usb on midi CH1, and 1 usb+hdmi 10.1" monitor Wav eshare + hifiberry dac + Pro on GPIO

When I play a song I obtain that song interact (cause a conflict) with Monitor, the touchscreen display moves randomly (at the rithm of the song) on the zynthian menu, it moves on its own, when the song plays.
Why ? Maybe the uart midi settings in config.txt and gpio interact with hifiberry and usb touchscreen?

It’s very strange…
If I play with nektar impact , 1 channel per time, I have no problem, the problem is when I play song … using full midi channels

Maybe I have to disable something in config.txt ?

Please help…

Do you have enabled Master MIDI channel? If so, try disabling it.


How to disable Master Midi Channel ?

I guess it could be done in webconf.

Webconf: INTERFACE->MIDI Options.

Ok you solved my problem, I set Master Midi to “NONE” in webconf, and now plays well.


this is a good new.

But the issue still remains so mysterious.

UART mIdi settings in config.txt are for Hardware DIN-5 MIDI connectors as found on v5 kit, maybe for MIDI BLE too (I must have a look and test bluetooth MIDI more deeply). But for sure, this is not the cause.

HifiBerry sound card use an I2C link for settings some Codec parameters at the Alsa driver level stuff. So, I don’t believe the cause comes from here.

The USB touscreen looks like the perfect bad guy here …

Hifiberry Dac uses I2S communication port not I2C (i think i2c is used for camera, that I don"t have)

I haven’t found how to configure
Pi4 + Usb Keyboard + Hdmi monitor with USB (for touch) + Midi Usb (nektar impact) i watched some demo videos, and I have read all Zynthian Documentation, but there are no real example on better configuration, so I moved in blind mode (trying to do something of working), but Instructions are very poor about a best configuration for my case…
Althought my Zynthian now works…

For example there are some missing informations:
What midi master channel is used for ? (IN my case None), but the options are unexplained.

Where are the specificatiins, of all settings, if select this or if I select something else…what happens ?

I think that many selectable tabs are unexplained, so isn’t so simple to get a “perfect configuration” …

Another example is why Zynthian can connect to a wifi , but if enable Zynthian hotspot (to use togheter) , it disables the primary wifi ?
I don"t know if it’s right or wrong (but on Volumio Software) you can use hotspot + wifi togheter…
Many informations are missing… on WIKi and everywhere…
So is very simple to get confused…

My fortune is this forum, but if instructions will be completed i will be happy to read it at all…
To understand every single function of Zynthian.
And to traslate it in Italian…for the next user…

I think Hifiberry DAC uses I2S for communicating audio data and I2C for configuration.

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