Hi All! I have been working on splits (Midi Filter Rules) and layers (Clone).
ZS3 SubSnapShots work perfectly when using basic program changes (without MSB or LSB).
I enabled Admin: Stage Mode and Program Change ZS3
My snapshot has
Midi 0 Piano with learned program change 0
Midi 1 DX Piano with learned program change 1
Midi 2 rhodes Piano with learned program change 2
When I send a basic program change from my Kronos or M-Audion Oxygen 25 (using Advanced Prog # Enter), the Zynthian calls the proper ZS3 SubSnapShots.
I would prefer to use a button because 1 press is faster than 4 or 5 presses…
When I assign a button on the Oxygen to send a program change, msb-0 and lsb-0 (Using Advanced Control Assign 145 enter, Advanced Data1/2/3 # enter), the Zynthian insists to load the Snapshot number in folder 0 instead of the SubSnapShot that is already loaded.
I added a Midi Filter rule to filter out the Bank MSB and LSB
but that did not resolve the issue.
I assume this has to do with the M-Audio USB MIDI.
How to fix? Anyone have any ideas?