Securing Wood Kit Components

Hi All,

I just finished piecing together my Zynthian wood kit and testing it. It all looks green so far which is awesome.

At the moment the case is just pressure fitted and I’m wondering what the best way to secure it all would be. Obviously glue makes sense, but I’m worried about possibly needing to open it up in future if something goes wrong, so permanently fixing the case together didn’t feel like a smart option.

Does anyone else have any suggestions?


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Hi @timbobsteve!,

My “wood-case” zynthians are fixed with glue, everything but the top cover.
I thought about “fixing” the top cover in a not-permanent way, but finally i found that no fixing is really needed for me :wink:


Cool. I’ll give some glue a try then and leave the top panel. I’m so happy I got it all working. I expected it to take a bunch of debugging, but it seems I got it right the first time :stuck_out_tongue: