Simple Keyboard Expander use case

Thanks for your feedback @jofemodo!
Using this pad makes perfect sense, of course, I even have a Trigger Finger that I can use for this. But I was actually exploring the possibility of avoiding yet another device in the gig, just using the keyboard directional keys to navigate the snapshot menu, as @riban mentioned in Map SCREEN_ZS3 and scroll through sub-snapshots to midi messages?

Yesterday I brought the kit to rehearsal for the very first time.
I realized I also need to optimize the chains and overall volume control…
And I quickly remembered all the frustration of my last attempts at playing VSTs on a laptop 20 years ago… This is probably a limitation of my way of playing live, but whenever I try to mix the execution and control on the same keyboard, as if I needed to send those Program Changes, the result is terrible and stressful, with MIDI notes hanging and compromising the musical performance.

And that brings me to the second part of my Keyboard Expander use case.
Just like I used to do with the classic sequencer/DAW, I need to prepare the setup for each song in advance, with all the adjustments, presets, splits, clones, channels and so on, so that on stage I just select the song as needed, and some kind of script defines the complete environment. I think that’s what the ZS3 is for - and I confess that I still need to explore this subject. My question is: is there any offline tool to assist with this process, to jot down these settings incrementally in a plain text script or on a simple web view screen?
Thanks again, it’s great to have the right friendly people to discuss these topics!