Zynthian has zynsampler and samplv1.
Both excellent but not really what I’d call “character” samplers.
What do you mean by “character” samplers?
8-bit (char)???
I think that Zynthian needs a versatile drum machine with real multi outputs for single sounds, or a drum machine that allows to edit sounds and apply effects separately.
TAL-DRUM would be great!
DrumGizmo can do that too.
I tried to use DrumGizmo but it’s not that easy. I wasn’t even able to load a drumkit, and i can’t see any parameters in the chain control view. My hope was for something more user friendly.
Yes, you have to follow this link :
Not easy at first, but worth it
Or follow this DrumGizmo - ZynthianWiki
Zynthian has been doing this for a long time. It’s not a problem to prepare the following:
- Kick:
sound engine - GeonKick Single
compressor - LV2 plugins No. I
reverb- LV2 plugins No. II - snare:
sound engine - NoiseMaker
reverb - LV2 plugins No. II
equalizer - LV2 plugins No. III - Open hi-hat
sound engine - Fluid Drums
some LV2 plugin - Closed hi-hat
sound engine - TAL-U-NO-LX
some LV2 plugin
some another LV2 plugin - Ride
sound engine - RipplerX
some LV2 plugin
some another LV2 plugin - Toms
sound engine - TAL-U-NO-LX
some LV2 plugin
next LV2 plugin - Filter for 1 and 2 audio channel
Here’s an example:
022-berlin schoole 2.zss (16.2 KB)
I think it’s kind of a silly term, but it’s what people usually call samplers that have a very obvious sonic footprint. All the old 8 and 12 bit samplers, hybrid samplers with analog filters, anything with μ-law compansion (a lot of 90s ROMplers used this too), that kind of thing. There isn’t really a good option for getting those kind of sounds in the Zynthian yet.
Thanks - I think I get the broad meaning of the term. I wonder whether any of the existing Zynthian samplers would provide this ‘character’ if they provided a drop to the resolution in their digital signal path - it could even be selectable between 1 and whatever number of bits they support. It might be a fun option.
Hi @LagoonCity,
I am unsure about reading your words correctly, but I guess that your reference might be the “digital sound with colour and personality”, that came out with most of the early samplers and wavetable machines during the 80’s.
If you are thinking to the sound imprint of (just guessing) PPG wave 2.2/3, Synclavier I/II, Emulators II/III, Prophet 3000, Korg DSS-1 and all early Akai samplers (might be forgetting something of course), well probably where the magic happened was the combination of limited bit resolution and sample frequency with analogue VCA and VCF at the end of the signal chain.
In my opinion, this is what mostly afforded that paradoxical sonic nature, of artificial otherworldliness with instrumental warmth, which today we might legitimately call “digital sampling with character”. I don’t think that it can be entirely replicated in the digital domain alone, because it would probably require analog outboard.
Yes, this is a trick we can use but if you want to write a drum sequence in Zynpad it’s annoying to switch pad for every part of the kit. It’s better to open various instances of a drum machine in a single midi channel and set up Note Range so that only a single kit part per instance is played. Just like i did in this project, where i can pan, set volumes and add separate fxs. You can ear how it sounds in the first sequence.
031-808 split.zss (30.4 KB)
I guess this workflow is not optimal like the one we could have with a single drum instrument capable to work in single parts, expecially because the mixer view can become very crowdy and difficult to manage.
DrumGizmo use wave file with 12 channels or more.
But for now Zynthian use stereo, so 2 channels… So it can’t fit.
I’m thinking right now that a sort of group function for selected mix chains would be great when using custom split-drum machines or any other multi instrument chain. We could assign the chains we need to the group and we could minimize all the chains in a single column with it’s general volume, pan, fx send. We could reopen the group only when needed, with the result of a less chaotic mixer view.
Well, i’m going to make a feature request for this!
I tried it and it is perfectly tuned, I like it.
I understand your argument and agree with it. I have a slightly different workflow, I use hardware sequencers Torso T-1 and Arturia BeatStep Pro. So my emotional attachment to one midi channel is not so big
I went through the basic drum engines and there are only two that allow output to multiple audio channels, namely:
DrumGizmo - 16 mono channels
GeonKick - 16 stereo channels.
For those who want to register TAL-U-NO-LX and upgrade from the demo as @mj_prod.
Copy the license key and paste it via a classic vnc client connection on zynthian.local:5901.
Copying text via the web noVNC interface http://zynthian.local:6081/ did not work for me.
You can use NoVNC’s sidebar’s clipboard.
And one is always learning… I have never used sidechain