Unable to install Pianoteq update 8.0.8

Unable to install Pianoteq update
I tried with Mozilla, Chrome, Opera and Edge but it crashes and doesn’t upgrade, while in the two Macs everything went well…

I did it earlier today without issue. I uploaded using Chrome from a Chromebook.

I’ve always had problems with Mozilla but it’s always worked with Chrome… now I’m trying from the Mac. Thanks, I was afraid the update couldn’t be done… But on the Mac it seems to me that the dynamics are worse after the upgrade… Thanks

It doesn’t work for me… :thinking:

It worked first time. I am on the latest testing branch.

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Hi @Lanfranco ,

Your issue could also be non “3thrd party Os related”.

  • check SD available disk space with “df -h” and see if it’s not a hw storage space availability issue.
  • be sure nothing is running except update process
  • idem: for easier debugging, do the upgrade process with the web-debugging tools enabled (I’m using “CTRL-Shift-i” with Firefox/chrome) before submitting any form and see if it’s not a bug from client and/or server interface (timeout, js script error, …).
  • who crash ?

I always have to apologize for my googleian English. I’m having a hard time making myself understood. In reality it doesn’t block anything but it doesn’t proceed with the update and everything stays still.

df -h:

CTRL-Shift-i on Mozilla

Many thanks

It worked from another PC with Mozilla… I think my beloved Lenovo needs cleaning…

Many thanks!