Unable to resolve reference refs/remotes/origin/OLD-carla-modhost [Solved]

Getting a git error in the webconf log…

> error: unable to resolve reference refs/remotes/origin/OLD-carla-modhost: Invalid argument 
> From https://github.com/zynthian/zynthian-ui 
> ! [new branch] OLD-carla-modhost -> origin/OLD-carla-modhost (unable to update local ref) 
> error: unable to resolve reference refs/remotes/origin/fxchain-control: Invalid argument

Can someone suggest the appropriate git incantation to wave over the beast.
All the others have updated cleanly.

Quite strange … these branches are old ones and shouldn’t be any messages realated with it.

  • Could you check that you are using “master branch” in all repositories?
  • Could you try to update the repositories giving problems by hand?

If the message there, you could try to delete and recreate the zynthian-ui repo:

cd /zynthian
rm -rf zynthian-ui
git clone https://github.com/zynthian/zynthian-ui.git


Yep that’s got that one…