Using ZynScreen on the clean install Raspberry Pi OS


I’m new here and just got Zynthian V4.2 Kit and enjoyed a bit. I’m now trying not to use the Zynthian OS but use Raspberry Pi OS and enabling ZynScreen.

I just copied /boot/config.txt on the SD card but the screen does not turn on. I tried to use GPIO #18 to turn the backlight on but did not get success.

Does anyone know how to use it without Zynthian OS?


Hi, welcome.
I hope you know what you are doing …


Zynthian use a custom overlay for zynscreen, see here:

You have to copy the piscreen2r-notouch.dtbo to /boot/overlays/ directory of your SDcard

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Thank you for your help. I copied the file to /boot/overlays and added followings into /boot/cmdline.txt
fbcon=map:10 fbcon=rotate:0 fbcon=font:ProFont6x11

And did gpis -g write 22 1, the backlight turned on but the screen shows white. Are there any extra steps I need to use the ZynScreen v1.5?

When I use Zynthian OS and added the cmdline then it shows console message at boot, but not working for clean installed Raspberry Pi OS.


Zynthian uses some patched versions of various libraries or specific versions. This is why apt upgrade will break a Zynthian. You may find some libraries in a stock distribution do not work.

Oh… I see.
Then I will try to run my program on Zynthian OS first.

Note that my synth is build with JUCE and working fine on Raspberry Pi OS + WaveShare 3.5TFT using X11 fullscreen.
