V4 temperature shows as "?"

Hi all,
My new V4 on RC2 showed the temp and suddenly stopped doing so, only displaying “???”.
Very strange. Don’t know to post under hardware or software because…well…no clue where the fault lies.

Any ideas?
Thanks, Patric

Did you update recently? Perhaps you do a “apt-get update” from command line?
I’ve some reports of similar problems due to a mysterious vaporization of the “vgencmd” command related with system update, although i’m not sure of what’s triggering the problem …

I think the best you can do is burning a fresh SD image with the buster RC-2 and update.


Yes, I did update through the web interface. As I understood an apt update is a bad idea so I don’t do that.
As long as the RPi itself knows the temp and won’t overheat I can live without reading the temp myself.
Eventually an update will bring this functionality back right?

Probably no, I can’t be sure of that, but RC-3 is near and then you should re-burn your SD …

Ah, I;ll wait for RC3 then :smiley: