Web Terminal

I just tried it on a Chrome browser from Android, which presents its own problems:

  • the prompt is very long, leaving just a few characters for a command before wrapping
  • typing a command is blindly, enter key does not work. If you defocus the keyboard the command gets transmitted and executed.

Things work better in Firefox on Android:

  • characters are echoed as you type them and the enter key works.
  • the long prompt still leaves just a few characters for a command before wrapping.

Use case: emergency access to the terminal from the screen we always carry - a mobile phone. There are specialised apps as well naturally (Termux, ssh clients), but it would be nice to get it working from webinterface.
Note: on android zynthian.local won’t work, you need to go via IP address.

You don’t know how much this hacks me off…

There seems to be another issue, only on Chrome (not on Firefox):
a dash “-” seems to provoke a newline: