… just found:
A MIDI-SMF library.
Regards, Holger
Doesn’t supports jackd? ;-(
Yes… that’s bad. But it can’t be very difficult to add jack outputs (Sorry, I have currently no time to do this…).
Regards, Holger
you can have a look at jpmidi on my github page
Hi Raphaël @jerash
many thanks for your hint! I will check this as soon as I can find time…
Regards, Holger
Hi @jerash!
jpmidi is already installed in the Zynthian SD images. It’s used for the MIDI demo
Thanks for your excelent work
@jofemodo this is not an original work from me, I saved it from the depth of internet one day when looking for a hackable jack-synchronised midi client. I did a great job on stage.
It is easy to hack as the code base is pretty small.
I would have preffered to use midish but the code is much larger and difficult to hack (but really great)
OK! I understand …
I’m currently using the original code from julienencoder, but it’s abandoned… Do you think i should take yours?
Regarding midish … yes, it’s a fantastic program, but it doesn’t support jackd and the project was abandoned. A pitty!!
not necessarily, if the one you have is stable, you’d better keep it.
On the github version, I made a few modifications, a few opcodes I think (can’t remember exactly).
Should be stable too anyway.
Le me know if there is something you need about jpmidi, the github page should be considered the official repo since Julien accepted to let me host it.
I’ll let you guys compare WildMidi and other regarding the easiest/best jack integration you need for Zynthian.