Zynthian as Raspbian packages

well most I figured out myself.
and perhaps my questions would go in to deep on the technical side.

yesterday for example I set up another raspbian and wondered why there wasn’t zynthian in the package list.

most of the zynthian users are firm enough in linux I think.so updating the system beneath shouldn’t be a problem.

or is it planned to integrate that in the normal update process?

kind of regards,

Currently there is no plans for packetizing the zynthian software.
Zynthian SD images are quite customized and packetizing everything would be quite complex (alhough not impossible, of course).
FYI, currently, Zynthian SD images are Buster-based and generated automatically with a set of scripts (CustomPiOS + ZynthianOS + zynthian setup scripts) that take about 4 hours to finish in a RBPi emulated environment (qemu). We have a dedicated Virtual Machine for that.


As far as I know it’s because we don’t have someone who regularly builds and maintains packages. Stuff that gets recompiled, like linuxsampler and amsynth, would be an easy target to package and maintain in a separate repository.

It would be nice i someone would like to do this work :wink:

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I would spend time into the project.
problem is in programming I am a number 0.
over 30 years ago the last time I coded on pc.

if that would help and someone would help or guide…

Creating packages doesn’t require programming, but it’s not an easy task. You would need a good knowledge of linux CLI, scripting, problem solving & testing. You could use your zynthian or a RBPi for building the packages, but … what we really should have is an auto-builder.

A good starting point for this could be using the current ZynthianOS builder and the “recipe” and setup scripts. We would create “deb-recipes” and “build_zynthian_debs.sh” … a new task in Jenkins and ta-chaaaan!! We could create daily deb packages when new commits in the repo.

Wishful thinking … but if someone starts to create this “deb-recipes”, i will do the rest … :wink: