Zynthian Snapshot Contest Extended: 2 x V5 unit for the 2 winners!

24 posts were split to a new topic: Sequencer chat

Well, this could be a good motivation to learn to use Zynseq. :laughing:


For me it will be the first time with a sequencer… never used and I don’t think I have the right imagination to work in this way…

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Wow wow wow ! It’s a game changer no ?!
When should it be in stable ? Chord are working now (ho ho ho I’m excited!)

This already enticing contest keeps on growing in scope and interest, with even two separate categories and more choices of metal finish! Well thought @jofemodo :ringer_planet: :+1:

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Anyway i would say an opinion about demos: Better if the composition stays within 3 minutes or less, for many reasons, one over all: they are in fact a showcase about sound versatility and performance and the evolution in a shorter time is in my opinion much more useable by curious user.
So maybe if someone who made a long song wins the competition, could even optimize the length.
I mean, was hearing some good sounding demos but long, like it’s recognizable a iterative repetition of same loop patterns without a significant variation, and that part could be a valid candidate to optimize.
Sorry :sweat_smile:

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Sequencer chat

I would like to come back to topic :wink:
Despite of extending of time I have prepared and would like to present my attempt to snapshot contest right now.
Because of my Zynthian utilisation as one-man-band live exercises - I tried to prepare one of my composition to play live and especially tried to use as much as possible of Zynthian unique possibilities to present them. So musically it is maybe nothing special but it uses:

  • Sequencer loops for trigger bass rhythm and arpeggio,
  • Different engines with different presets,
  • Channel cloning,
  • Midi FX’s (chord and transposition) for achieving possible most huge strings orchestra unisono sound to play with one hand.
  • AudioFX’s to achieve extra space for this sounds,
  • Audio-in with Vocoder steering by midi keyboard for pseudo vocal part.

All has been recorded one take live by Zynthian internal midi recorder and can be played with its midi player (while playing one can speak/sings any words to microphone with played vocoder melody to test its function)

The song is called The Prayer. Prayer to Archangel Michael by Pope Leo XIII in Polish Language!

ArchMichael.zss (53.9 KB)
ArchMichael.mid (13.1 KB)



M A R V E L O U S!
It gave me chills!!!

Aiii, I was really sad because I couldn’t find the time to participate in the challenge…
Really happy to see the extended deadline, I’ll give it my best!!! :smiley:
Love the zynthian community and looking forward to all the great results ^^

Hey Zynthianers,

encouraged by @C0d3man and @Monstermorty I hereby present my contest entry “Train Ride”. I created it a few years ago during a boring 4-hour trip by train. Yeah, ok, there may be songs with more sophisticated titles :smile: Anyway, the song was sequenced using OpenMODPlugTracker since I’m more a tracker guy than a piano roller. I replaced the sampled instruments and VSTs by Zynthian Chains and got an even better result than the original! However, MIDI timing is really bad with my setup (OMPT / Windows / Behringer UPhoria UMC404), so I exported the MIDI data from the tracker, uploaded it to the Zynthian and used the Zynthian MIDI recorder for playback. This way I got really stable timings :star_struck:
I used only preset sounds and engines that come with ZynthianOS, except the ZynAddSubFX preset for the melody, because I like that glassy sound so much. It just had to be in there!

So here we come to the fun part:
Title: “Train Ride” by DJ IceBear
Audio recording:
Train Ride.mid (41.1 KB)
Train Ride.zss (42.8 KB)
“Glass Bell” ZynAddSubFX preset:
bell.xiz (1.7 KB)
Mixer screenshot:



Clouds Coming on Planes files.zip (27.2 KB)
Hi everybody!

Finally I submit my proposal. Is a song called “Clouds Coming on Planes”. All the sounds come from Zynthian though have been sequenced with Logic.

The voice and tracks were recorded on an old MacBook (still working, yes :grinning:) with Logic 8, and then processed on iMac with Logic X.

Most of the sounds used are included on the V5 pack. By the way, I have noticed a minor latency and better performance (congratulations to the team!) on some pianos of FluidSynth as the one I chose: Mason & Hamlin sf2, which can be downloaded from here

The Mason & Hamlin piano was recorded to audio directly.
The rest of instruments performance came from a very basic midi tracks created ad-hoc, ready to shoot from arpeggiator to get variations when recorded in audio too.

My goal was getting a soft, natural but authentic sound. I know some of you will find a bit of reverb excess, but was intended. I forced it to expand an “airy” atmosphere. Finally thought that a brief video should give a better idea of process.
By the way, as an image worths 1000 words, I have made an according image to the song.

Clouds Coming on Planes files.zip (27.2 KB)


yeah funky man +1

that’s it, and you’re doing it very well

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Many thanks

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The “Old MacBook” is always great!! I use it with High Sierra and MixBus32C … If you use the Zynthian that doesn’t force its processor, it’s always a “Big Old” :heartbeat: :heartbeat:


Totally agree!

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I’m starting a rumour that favour will be shown to those that show up at zynthclub. . .

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:joy: OK @wyleu!
I will try to spread the rumour…

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Only 6 days for closing the contest and nobody applied in the Z category (snapshots using zynseq only) yet…

Hello everybody,

This is my entry for the V5 demo contest: INNEREMERALD.

The piece portrays a mental voyage through the depths of cosmos, in search for the discovery of an emeraldine life-form, based on mineral elements. It develops in three dovetailed sections: the approach through stellar layers of coloured dust, the revelation of a shimmering landscape of sentient gems, the retreat into space, with a reflection on such glimpses of crystalline cities, as an exact counterpoint of mirroring concepts.

Technical layout: it employs twelve channels (Zynadd, Helm, Dexed, Noize Maker and Fluidsynth for drums), with various effects from the plugins inventory. The snapshot sounds clean and with no detectable artifacts, on an official Zynthian V4 at 256 samples per duty-cycle.

Aethermind_Paolo Ramacciotti_INNEREMERALD.mid (35.8 KB)

Aethermind_Paolo Ramacciotti_INNEREMERALD.zss (64.1 KB)

I hope you enjoy :slightly_smiling_face: