Studied piano age 5 - 13, trumpet ages 12 - 18.
KORG synths in storage; Maxi-KORG. Poly-61, Poly -800. Also Roland Juno-106 and Yamaha QY-10. The 106 is pretty much the same ‘under the hood’ as the 61, Digitally Controlled Analog, but with different control surfaces. Also Baldwin Electric Harpsichord, 1800-something pump organ, Wurlitzer spinet.
KORG synths in use: SP-100 (piano), Triton Classic 61.
Other instruments: 3 Ovation electric/acoustic guitars (different tunings), a highly modified Gibson Melody Maker, large set of harmonicas.
Also a trade sitar that I bought used from that little old music store by Camden Locks, London.
Everything needs to be rebuilt. Also myself at the age of 70-something.
Now I live within hearing distance of Luckenbach, Texas, that is when the band is loud and the wind is right.