9v/12v/18v power supply - current needed for V5?

Hey alls. I’m on another adventure making a box to transport all my music toys around in, and I’m considering power needs. I would like to implant enough juice inside the box that I can just plug my Zynthian into the system with a power plug at the ready, when I use this rig, but also be able to grab the zynth and any convenient midi device and just go with the 24v supply provided.

So, if I am plugging the zynthian into a 9v, 18v or 12v supply, what would my current handling needs be, in each of those cases? It’s gonna be living with a bunch of other DC devices with different needs so ideally I can maybe just stick the 10a 12v PSU, or possibly the 5a, in there. I’m also planning to work off of marine batteries out in the wilds so 12v, with some sort of power conditioner in front of it, seems pretty convenient.

20watt should be enough, but if you want to connect lot of USB gadgets, 30watt would be generous. I wouldn’t recommend 9v, but 12v is perfectly OK.


makin’ me do algebra grumblerobblerobble

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@jofemode does that mean the DC power barrel connector on the V5 can take 12VDC and function OK as opposed to the 24VDC power brick that comes with the V5 kits?

While we’re at it, what’s the power cleaning like in the device? Did you make it robust or should we be very careful?

I guess I’m specifically wondering about 12v from cars, which is known to be volatile.

You can power your V5 with sources from 9v to 48v. I wouldn’t recommend going under 12v, but 12v is OK. Regarding the power circuit, it’s quite solid and it would remove most of noise. It uses a high quality IC with very good performance. Anyway, the less noisy the power supply, the best.


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Not planning to run it off janky generator power or anything, but I have had phones that I could plug into my truck’s stereo and I’ve had phones that I could not. :>


I’ve been powering my V5 with a strong 5V USB powerbank and one of these cheap 5V to 12V step up cables for several gigs now without problems :slight_smile:
YMMV, but in my tests the V5 never drew more than 7-8W and the converter is rated for 10W.