A la carte Zynthian v.4 kit? (already have Rpi4 and HiFiBerry ADC + DAC (non-Pro)


I already have a Rasperry Pi 4 and the NON-PRO HiFiBerry ADC + DAC (the $49 one).

Could I build a functioning Zynthian from this existing “core”? i.e. separately purchase:

  • Zynaptik module
  • Zynscreen
  • Encoders
  • Case
  • Cable bus
  • Connectors

Did I miss anything?

You can build a zynth with what you have now, a mouse and a screen. Burn the sd card and get going! Then you can buy the other bits as necessary. https://shop.zynthian.org/shop/category/parts-v4-16

Hi @PeteTheGreek, welcome.
There’s a thread called “succes case” where you will find how people have adapted Zynthian hardware principle to their own use case and own hardware.

Some personnal though

  • If you purchase zynthian’s case, you will have to modify it so that your DAC fits in it.
  • In a full diy way, building a nice enclosure is the hardest part imho !!
  • You Can go without encoders but a 5 or 7 inch touch screen is mandatory (the waveshare one’s are well supported). You will have also a better experience with the wonderfull stepsequencer.
  • Latest official zynscreen + encoders kit is a good option if you want encoders and do not own a display yet.
  • latest zynaptic module will give you all midi interfaces + the ability to add more hardware controls. While the older one will give you all midi interfaces + encoders interfaces.
  • Be sure to use a good PSU and a good power cable.

Thank you all.

I installed Zynthian and used the web config tool to enable HDMI display and to specify my sound card. I created my first Snapshot and have that loading by default.

I’m using a Roland A-800PRO controller and was able to configure it to send the appropriate midi CC commands to control the drawbars, percusssion, vibrato, etc. in setBfree. I saved those settings to the Roland (as control set #1) and configured the Roland to load control set #1 by default.

Voila, I now have a B3 organ (single manual). I don’t need a display or encoders (yet).


You can control some zynthian’s features from your keyboard with midi messages