A synth symbol TTF font

Centuries ago (may 2016 in fact) I was making a skin for Caustic, and I felt the need to draw symbols as characters of a .ttf font.
They are mainly oriented Analog Synth, but if you find any use for them, for any propose, you may still use it (I don’t know if Linux or MacOs can use TTF fonts…)
Might be useful when you want to insert symbols inside a text publication, for exemple…

Here is the map :

and here is the font…
ADSR.TTF (10.1 KB)
The software I used was fontog 3.5 (I loved it) and was made during the windows 3.1 area… That’s not new… and it worked with windows 95, 98, XP… no more works with Windows 7… So I cannot draw new characters and the empty ones will remain empty forever… Unless one can import the TTF font into another font editor, and add ne symbols…
I tried to have some mnemotechnic logic, so that you can easily find the letter you have to type to get the character/ symbol that you need…
V is for volume, v is for low volume, V is for high volume… T for Triangle, Q for sQuare, U is simply caught inbetween, P is for Pulse, tea for two and two for tea… But though you guess that S is for Sine, it doesn’t work… because A, D, S, R were the first symbols I drew…
H is for sample and Hold, W is for Wave ( and here, you get a sine), N for Noise and Flowers for Zoe…
Might probably be of no use for you, though… But who knows ?
Just sharing, anyway…

Have a nice day…




Eh eh !! You’re welcome…

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A recent Rick Wakeman concert . . .

IT’s easy on Linux, download the ttf file and click on it wherever you download it. The install dialogue will pop up . . .

and as you can see it crops up nicely in LibreOffice . . .


Eh eh…
Not sure it’s very useful, but when it can be pleasant and amusing, that counts too…

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