A (very) Rough Zynthian Keyboard Prototype

Hi, want to share with you a “Frankenstein” idea:

having an old serial midi and almost unknown keyboard, (flowers mk 4903)
decided to use it to play around with some ideas about a
zynthian keyboard…

The keyboard had the last octave broken, which helped me to find room for Zyn. (i’m left-handed… but can accomodate…)

my first idea was to putting all hardware inside it as a all-in-one synth.

But i didn’t want to dismount my zynthian, and though about a non-destructive variant:

a sort of docking station, in which it is possible to attach a zynthian module and routing midi/outputs/power to keyboard.
And obviously being powered by the same source.

This Keyboard should work at 9v - 300 mA, but when i tried at 5v … was veeery happy…

To docking module i sent a classic center positive plug, plus an additional switch, to turn off Zynthian separately from keyboard… (you know, by now sometimes it freezes :wink: )

As you can see, i added separate “load Snapshot” and “select” switches to Zyn, it makes more fast and comfortable (to me) the two most important operations…

Regarding the docking module, my initial idea was using centronics connectors of an old removable disk docks for a more secure insert, but i didn’t had another to dismonunt.

So, momentarely i made a simple replicating “Male” dock, by now using only jack audio, midi in, and microusb.

I will paint it black, i promise…

Obviously, on keyboard i added the two audio 6.3mm females ;).
I would add a THRU/in replication of Zynthian, in this way it is always remotable from DAWs etc… external out of keyboard is still usable…

I hope that someone with more skills would be inspired by this “frankenstein Jr. ZynKey” :smiley:


OMG!! It’s soooo cute!!! I want one of this too … :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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you like nerdy girls :grin:

Yes … i pass too much time with my little daughter and my brain is kind of affected … ohhh shit!!! (i will use some nasty words to balance :rofl::rofl:)

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