Added (missed!) puredata patches from this forum

Hi @zynthianers!

I just added a few puredata patches that were shared in this forum some time ago but i forgot to validate and add to the collection. Now these patches are added, so enjoy of them!!

  • Punchy_Rhodey_FX (synths)
  • SYNTH-1 (synths)
  • 2OSC (audio-generative)
  • Meditadaze (audio-generative)

I forgot the authors, but if you look in the forum you will find int for sure :wink:

I also fixed some patches that were broken in Oram, like the excellent “grids_zynth”, that now works again and re-organize the puredata banks to better understand how to use each patch.

For instance, there is a midi-generative category where you will find the fantastic ZPM patch. Try routing the midi out to any synth chain!! Yeahhhhh!
Also added a “graphics” category with some interesting / crazy toys, just for fun! etc.
