AlsaMixer levels on Webconf: Now update in Real Time!

I just improved a little bit the AlsaMixer levels in webconf tool (Audio Config) and now it get updated while moving the sliders. No need to click “Save” anymore.

And this is only the begining … my next battle will be mixer-related :wink:

BTW, someone wanting to write some docu about the new Preset Manager? Come on!! :wink:



Where do I see ALSA levels? I navigate to http://zynthian.local/hw-audio but do not see any ALSA adjustment.

Did you provide your input for your sound card?

I tried selecting lots of different sound cards but never saw the ALSA stuff. Do you have to save changes before the ALSA stuff appears in webconf?

The Alsa Volume Level only shows up, if webconf was able to read the values.
And each soundcard needs different treatment. If not immediately, try a reboot which is mandatory after a soundcard change.