Aluminium Case Serigraphy

As you probably know, i’m working in a new aluminium box for Zynthian, in collaboration with Ramón Besora from Besmon and Marc Soler from AMEBA. The case will be available from mid September, i hope :wink:

I would like to share with you the serigraphy design and ask for your feedback:

As you can see, the design is very simple and straightforward. To save costs, probably we will implement only the top cover design.

I’m specially concerned about controller names. The “select” and “back” controller names are very clear, but for the upper controllers i’m not sure. Its function may change, or may be context-dependent, so i have chosen short names that have relation with their current functionality (LS=>Load/Save, CH=>Channels) but can be easily associated to new functions. What do you think? Do you think it’s better to use more abstract names for the uppers, like A/B? Or perhaps something funny like Charm/Magick? Can you propose better names? :wink:



I really like the new design! :slight_smile:

it will be possible to order a pre-built unit?
(for those who -like me :stuck_out_tongue: - are not very comfortable with a soldering iron … but who want to try the Zynthian adventure)

I would advice to stay as neutral as possible with the serigraphy since the functions may change…

Maybe A / B would be more judicious indeed
or no indication at all (!) for these functions … (as they will be displayed by the screen anyway…)

on the other hand I adore everything else on this design
I’m a fan of sober and classy designs like this

(I also like the black metal boxes for my hardware devices)


perhaps neutral geometric shapes ?
(which could then be displayed on the screen depending on the mode)
it would fit perfectly to the sobriety of the design

a bit like this :

(no, I’m not a playstation hardcore gamer…)

looks fine;)
best regard

Really nice @jofemodo

I think controllers should have names/icons which are easy printable. If someone writes a manual he/she would be very glad for not including a special icon every time referencing the button/encoder :wink:

Regards, Holger

Hi @Loud65!

If you are interested in a pre-built unit, i can solder the components for you, of course. Soldering is funny, but if you don’t like, no problem, i can send you all the PCBs pre-mounted, so you only have to plug cables and screw bolts :wink:

Zynthian Kit pre-built + Aluminium Enclosure Kit: 174€ + shipping

The detailed price list is published in this blog entry:

I think i will open a new topic with this info :sunglasses:

Best Regards!

Hi @jofemodo
Thank you very much José!

Yes!! I am very enthusiastic about the Zynthian project, I think this is a fantastic idea and I see the future of synths somewhere between “hardware” and "software"
with open source and collaborative projects

and, sure, I’ll get into this adventure. Definitively. :slight_smile:
I’m currently studying various methods to convert my Max / MSP or Pure Data patches into VST or LV2 plug-ins

moreover, could we imagine that Pure Data could be directly compatible(integrated) with(into) the Zynthian?

time to gather the necessary budget and I come back to you for to order an unit! :wink:

The pricing will be the same with a Raspberrry Pi v3 and the new Aluminium Case?

Hi @Loud65!

Definitively, Pure Data will be integrated in Zynthia, initially as a standalone engine. In that way, you can put your PD patches in a directory inside your Zynthian and you can list and select from the Zynthian UI. And this is very simple to achive, more or less :wink:

There are some details to be discussed and this should be done in collaboration with people using PD for sound synthesis, so if you are really interested, please, open a new topic in the Software category and will try to define this development.

Regarding the kits and prices, the kits doesn’t include the RBPi, the HifiBerry DAC+ and the Touchscreen. These 3 parts must be ordered separately. Anyway, as some soldering is needed for this parts too (i missed in my last reply), i could prepare the parts for you, but you must add 130 euros for this 3 parts more the work of soldering the required connectors.

Best Regards!


Ok I get back to you shortly
to define all these details.


Hey guys! Nice to meet you! Watching all your feedback I’ve changed some aspects of graphic application. Maybe a rounded rectangle & and a circle could be the better forms to minimize all functions.

What do you think?


Hi Marc

Personally, I would much prefer this latest version

more neutral

Again, great job on this design!

I’m not really convinced about the design, I will upload a few versions to choose one of them!

Hi @marc_ameba

I prefer the previous one
more sober :slight_smile:

(unless there is a relationship between the 2x2 potentiometers diagonally
which would explain the use of the same symbols)

Yes, i also prefer the previous version but i’m not convinced with using symbols. Definetely, i would remove the frames around the encoder’s holes because it will conflict with the knobs.
Perhaps we can change the LS by “R” (right) and the CH by “L” (left). It’s neutral, but not abstract, as it has a meaning easy to remember. And it’s easy to write in docs because it doesn’t use symbols.

the interest of the symbols is that they could be displayed on the screen, and linked to different functions (depending on the evolution of Zynthian)
and regarding the documentation,
we could use terms like “Square mode” & “Circle mode

In term of ergonomy, “circles & squares” are the most simple forms available, which speak to everyone
(we learn geometric shapes before learning language)

but R & L could be fine too
(at least for those who distinguish easily the right from left… :wink: )

HI @Loud65!
I like symbols too, but a square with sharp corners “breaks the design” and a square with rounded corners is too similar to a circle :wink: In the other hand, L & R are very clear and straightforward … @marc_ameba, @C0d3man, what do you think?

@jofemodo @marc_ameba

Thanks for asking - but I am a totally innocent about good design :grin:

I must say: When reading a manual I like manuals which use simble symbols or letters which I can find fast on the device. For me it is the question of how I can find a button mentioned in the manual and decribe it short and exactly (e.g. in a forum) with as few words as necessary for others.

Just my two pennies…

Regards, Holger

Hi all,

I think the more simple the more useful. I’m not a designer and the picture you see is just a sketch.

The Zynthian GUI is very intuitive, the corner widgets (when loaded) have their own names/tittles so no doubt about the use of rotary encoders which means, in my opinion, no need to be labeled. The back and select switch are labeled with the widely used symbols. Upper switches has no function (as far as I know) at the moment so no need to be labeled.

Zynthian logo used in the web is perfect and looks very good in the box. Moreover, I think keeping the same logo it’s perfect for a better identification of Zynthian project.

Regards, Jose

Hi, all…once again.

A little improvement…I think.

Hi @smespresati!

Thanks a lot for your sketch! It’s nice to have an alternate proposal :wink:
As you explain, the zynthian’s GUI always show on screen the function for each rotary, but not for the switches. Perhaps we could change this, but anyway, some kind of naming is convenient for the controls and should be on the case.

(*) An important appointment: upper switches have functions. Both! Take a look to the UI workflow:

If your upper switches are not working, you may revise your connections, specially the SDA1 and SCL1 pins.

Best Regards!