An Act of Remembrance

Somebody known to me did this . . . …

Guess what machine did the sound effects. . . .?

A Sandbach Church…

or indeed …

This was it in the cold light of day. The Sound effects were driven by the innocuous looking soldier silhouette with a 40 Watt Exciter attached to the back board, with a zynthian in the base driven by 20V DC via the hifiberry card.

It played two continual loops a one hour battlefield atmosphere and every 25 minutes Nimrod by Elgar from the Enigma Variations.

Turned on and off by little old ladies and the Last Values snapshot expressly recorded when playing the loops so the zynth would start up playing…

Worked faultlessly for about six weeks, operated by nervous little old ladies, who were treating it like a table lamp within a couple of days.

Possible plans afoot for the next one. . …