Sorry… I’v been sooo busy these days… but today i played for a couple of minutes with the zynth!
so… here’s the result: live recording so forget some errors (i’m not a pro!)
The song is by an italian composer, from an old soundtrack of an italian movies:“Tutta colpa del paradiso”
Layer1 :collection/smooth
Layer2: mysterious bank 3 / res string
Layer3: dexed with iconic DX7 elec piano
Hope you like it… I’ have to say that the zynthian has a real “soul” It play some real warm pad and i really LOVE how it sound!
Thank you very much Mauro!!!
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Thanks a lot, Mauro! It’s a beatiful demo … I have added your demo to the wiki.
Could you try to make a demo with setBfree?
P.D: Next time, please, remember to choose a category for your posts
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it is a pleasure! ok! I will definitely try to setbfree, (but i’m more pianist than hammondist!) and I will post the (bad!)result in “using zynthian” category!
Wow! Really nice… I think my Rhodes under your fingers would sound much better than my playing
Can I also add a wish? Something with the mda-EpPiano ?
Can we use your recorded tracks as audible demonstrations (beside our selfmade live-noise) on the next Maker-Faire?
Regards, Holger
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Hi C0d3man! tnks 4 your kind word. Whell, the address to sed me your Rhodes is: ITALY, c/o Mauro Borgarello… ok , stop joking!
Of course you can use all the record I made with zynthian! (I have made it with this intention) Just be careful about the copyrights of the composer’s songs as they are not original composition…
Make music is not my job, just a hobby, but if i have time i’ll try to composing an original song and made it completly with zynthian sound! It will be great!