Another lapse!

Sorry… I’v been sooo busy these days… but today i played for a couple of minutes with the zynth!

so… here’s the result: live recording so forget some errors (i’m not a pro!) :wink:

The song is by an italian composer, from an old soundtrack of an italian movies:“Tutta colpa del paradiso”

Layer1 :collection/smooth
Layer2: mysterious bank 3 / res string
Layer3: dexed with iconic DX7 elec piano

Hope you like it… I’ have to say that the zynthian has a real “soul” It play some real warm pad and i really LOVE how it sound!


Thank you very much Mauro!!!

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Thanks a lot, Mauro! It’s a beatiful demo … I have added your demo to the wiki.
Could you try to make a demo with setBfree? :innocent:

P.D: Next time, please, remember to choose a category for your posts :wink:


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it is a pleasure! ok! I will definitely try to setbfree, (but i’m more pianist than hammondist!) and I will post the (bad!)result in “using zynthian” category!


Wow! Really nice… I think my Rhodes under your fingers would sound much better than my playing :joy:

Can I also add a wish? Something with the mda-EpPiano :wink:?

Can we use your recorded tracks as audible demonstrations (beside our selfmade live-noise) on the next Maker-Faire?

Regards, Holger

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Hi C0d3man! tnks 4 your kind word. Whell, the address to sed me your Rhodes is: ITALY, c/o Mauro Borgarello… ok , stop joking! :joy:

Of course you can use all the record I made with zynthian! (I have made it with this intention) Just be careful about the copyrights of the composer’s songs as they are not original composition…:grin:

Make music is not my job, just a hobby, but if i have time i’ll try to composing an original song and made it completly with zynthian sound! It will be great!