Are Raspberry Pi firmware updates part of the ZynthianOS update?

I’ve spent a bit of time digging through the Wiki, manual and posts here over the last couple days and haven’t been able to find anything about this (I could easily be missing it somewhere, of course).

Updating to the latest stable bootloader and firmware is part of a standard Raspbian kernel update, and I’m just wondering if the Zynthian will also handle this in the background or if I need to keep track of firmware updates myself. If it isn’t automatic, what’s the preferred way to update the Raspberry Pi firmware on the Zynthian without potentially breaking normal updates or causing other problems?

When I boot a standard Raspbian image on the official 5.1 hardware it doesn’t use the internal display and I’d really rather not have to open the case to access an HDMI port.

Zynthian updates are tested to keep zynthian running properly (on supported devices) which includes updating / holding back OS updates as appropriate. We recommend users so not do manual updates (like apt upgrade) to avoid inadvertently pulling an unsupported module and breaking the system. OS and firmware updates are done by the zynthian update mechanism when appropriate. This may be during an update of the stable version.

