Is there an audio sequencer in développements or is there a way to do ?
Is there an audio sequencer in développements or is there a way to do ?
You mean something like this:
or are you looking for something else? If so, could you explain what you mean a bit more?
Yes like this but with audio records too…
The zynseq can be used with the zynsampler to do sequencing with samples,to a certain extent.
Oh ok !
Is there a tuto or a way to do ?
Not really. It depends what you are tying to do, as always. Probably the most effective way to do it if you are involving a lot of sound samples is make up a sf2 voice in polyphone and control that as a instrument with the sequence. But I have used the sequencer and zynsampler as a sequencer destination modifying the envelop controls to manipulate the sample.
Ok i understand.
Using sf2, samples must have been recorded with same bpm than in zynseq i presume
I will try this Way…
Thanks a lot
We aspire to add samples into zynseq and have started. You can use zynsampler to varispeed, stretch or pitch shift samples. You can mark start and end and add loop markers. You can add splice markers to allow playing different slices from different MIDI keys. This is documented on the wiki. These features are not yet integrated into zynseq but with some clever (or awkward?) workflow you could personally persuade it to do something useful.
I’m personally very excited about the idea of somehow recording a sample and then playing it, I wonder what a zynthian specific plugin system could accomplish down the line, like if it had an osc template display, a script and maybe puredata compatibility bundled into a container it could make it easy to ship an addon.
There is a “record” control in zynsampler so it is very easy to record then replay immediately. Files can be loaded manually and each recording is date and time stamped so, if you inadvertently hit record again (like I often do!) then you can stop that recording and reopen the last one you were working on.
Some metadata is stored with the recording if you save (as a preset), e.g. splice markers.
I just tried with 2 loops A & B with 123BPM that i put in a soundfont.
If i put 123BPM on ZynSeq, that works very well, this is what i wanted.
I have to make sounds and prepare the soundfont library but this is what i wanted.
I’ll try other ways later.
The difference with zynsampler, i do not record on live, i prepair before…
Thanks a lot !