Hi there, I just got a cheap behringer umc1820. It’s recognized when I select ‘custom’ from the hardware menu in webconf. But I get no sound output.
input seems to be working fine.
Hi @robert - would it be possible for you to try the unit outside of Zynthian to verify it is not defective?
Could you give us the specific steps you took to try and produce output?
Could you give us a capture of the overall dashboard in webconf and the audio setup?
What version of Zynthian software and hardware are you running?
We need more info to troubleshoot the problem.
i’m working on Oram. Should it be working there?
Yes it works on Oram. That is what I am using. As requested by @tunagenes please provide more info. Show us your webconf dasboard and validate the unit actually works when connected to other devices. (You said you picked it up cheap from which we may infer it is not new and could be faulty.)
FYI here is my configuration:
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Sorry guys. Stupid mistake. It works like a dream. Thanks for answering