Blocking legacy stable

Hi there. I am trying to update the software on my Zynthian v4. It is on stable-2109, and any time I try to switch branches it tells me it’s blocking legacy stable-2109. Is there any way besides flashing the SD-card to switch. (And if I do flash, would it mess with my Pianoteq license?)

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I would recommend using an other SDCard :wink:

If you don’t own a spare SDCard (it’s definitively a good idea to have one once you’re in with Raspberry Pi), don’t forget to backup your personal data first, although Zynthian is now far away from stable-2019, so they are many chances that all your snapshots aren’t compatible anymore.

I’m pretty sure that you have just to re enter your license.

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Thanks, I’ll try with another card, unless it takes me too long, no snapshots here anyway. Just hesitance.

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