Browser interface at zynthian.local:8888?

my Zynthian kit is build now, encoders are working, system starts and i already got some tones out of it together with my Artiphon.

I did an update of the system and the libraries via the “Admin” menu.

I can access to the browser interface at http://my_zynthian_ip (unfortunately on zynthian.local i can’t).
Shouldn’t there be another GUI at http://zynthian.local:8888 or http://my_zynthian_ip:8888?

For me, there’s nothing but an error message of the browser…

Regards, Thorsten

You have to start the MOD-UI engine on the zynthian as a new layer to start the webserver that runs at :8888.

And very pretty it is too !


Hi @dl9sec!

I recommend updating the software twice, and also update the library.
