I currently have to do some “simple” tasks for my work with buildroot. Maybe this is also a way to produce a Zynthian-Base-System instead of using Minibian. I think to create everything with buildroot should not be the option.
You know i would love to see an optimized Zynthian image. Currently i can’t put my focus on that because i suspect that it would take too much time, but if you can go forward with it, slowly but firmly, it would be great!! Let’s do it! I will help you as much as i can …
In relation with this subject, i’ve received a nice proposal a few days ago. Take a look to this thread:
that sounds really good! I think I will try a little bit with buildroot - but I think that it will be a hard way to get it suitable for Zynthian. One example for problems: python is normaly build with a disabled tkinter, you have to enable it by yourself (it seems there is no configuration option) and you have to check that all other needed packages are built, too.
We will see, if I will get this running sometimes.
I will checkout CustomPIOS. This sounds really interesting.
Yes, building a working image completely from scratch would be a hard work, although it would be the best option.
In the other hand, having an automated environment for building and testing raspbian-based images would be simpler and more affordable. We have a good starting point with the current “setup script”, so perhaps we should concentrate our energy in going forward with that.
I would configure a dedicated server for that and we could generate daily/weekly images. For me, this would be a dream!!
It works and takes ~12 hours to build, I was going to upload a build.log but stupidly deleted it when rebuilding, so I will be able to upload a new one hopefully tomorrow.
But it does build and its predictable. I wrote the build instructions pretty quickly too. I can set up my server to build it, or use one you provide.
Thanks a lot for your help with this. I’m impatient for testing the new stretch image
What would be the minimum machine you recommend for building the images?
Currently i have a Jessie VM with (1 core, 2 GB RAM, 77 GB of free disk space) that i use as developing environment for the shop, so it’s basically idle. If needed i could increase the num of cores, the memory or add extra disk space.
Anyway, i’m trying to make a build by myself and get my own conclusions
It uses my fork at the moment because the zynthian fork because of rpi-update being used, which makes the os panic, I think because of the relatime kernel:
OK! Thanks a lot for your work, @guysoft! This is wonderful. I would love to have time to dive into these amazing tools like Jenkins, Vagrant, Docker, etc. I’m really impressed with the possibilities … but let’s go step by step
Currently i’m doing my own build for understanding a little bit of CustomPiOS and checking the fixes i’ve done to the setup scripts. When i have a working image (i need to test it in a real ZynthianBox!), we should automate the copying of default data (soundfonts, plugins, presets, etc. => about 10GB of data!) for having an image ready to share.
When i reach this point, i will be ready for the next step and your magic tools … Vagrant, Jenkins and so on … meanwhile i will read some docs trying to understand the basics.
If I can help let me know. I can clean the stretch build and wget errors in the meantime. Its easy to spot now that I can create builds and parse the output with a single click. I can test it nightly and incrementally fix stuff.
Yes, I had that problem before, using vagrant build method solved it. For me it manifested in Ubuntu which should have been equivalent to Jessie at the time.
Suggest you use vagrant. It will keep the environment the same. No surprises.
BTW the build finished here, and you can immediately see in the parsed console output the errors. Out of 30,000 lines it spotted 5 errors (I am not parsing the compilation errors yet, it found python and 404 errors): http://gnethomelinux.com:8080/job/ZynthianOS/2/parsed_console/
I can fix the python stuff in my repo.
Thanks a lot for your help with this. I’m impatient for testing the new stretch image
Ok, I have an image you can test.
There is a known bug with the host name I fixed and I am building a new image with it fixed, however, it will take another 12+ hours to build and upload so suggest you use the workaround for now.
Thinks that I found that dont work are:
Zynthian-webconf password
Mod-ui (see bug).
The gui boots black - is that expected?
Looks like pitft compilation fails.
There are two build errors in the console that you can see
Could you test this in a console?
sudo getent shadow root
if you could systemctl stop webconf and start /zynthian/zynthian-webconf/zynthian_webconf.sh (in sudo context), we see the error messages when you try to login
Ok, when I set a password with passwd it works and I can login. In Raspbian there is no password by default. I can make “zynthianos” (how I am calling the CustomPiOS build for now) set one. Guess that means another build soon.
I also get the same output. it seems to give that error only when saving it in to a variable.